careers in Oilfield Chemical & pumping industry

Join the onecor family

Current Job Openings

Chemical Technician

Midland/Odessa, TX

Managing pumps and equipment to move fluid from railcars to trailers (transloading) as well as blending different chemistries in blending tanks. The position will also include dispatching truck loads to customer locations and managing driver logistics.

Field Specialist

Williston, ND

Manage operations of miscellaneous high pressure pumping operations. Rigging up & down 2” iron from pumps to wellheads, suction hoses from tanks to pumps. Manage pump maintenance and troubleshooting. Able to function MDT controls, fluid dynamics, downhole volumes, and job procedures.

General Operator

Williston, ND

This is an entry level pressure pumping position helping rig up and rig down of 2” iron, inspect and be responsible for opening & closing valves during pumping operation and be in frequent communication with a field specialist.

Company Values

OneCor is a great company to work for that believes in teamwork, individual growth, and longevity.

OneCor has low turnover, thanks to an approachable management team, along with competitive pay and benefits.

We are family-oriented with paid holidays, paid time off, and family friendly company functions.

We believe in a culture of safety, caring about others, and doing the right thing, whether someone is watching or not.

Why Work For Us?

OneCor values innovation, teamwork, new opinions, and giving back to the community. We offer employees competitive pay, comprehensive benefits, and unlimited opportunities for career advancement and personal growth. OneCor founders created a safe, flexible, and family-oriented culture where we take care of our own people and make time for the unplanned events that take place in life outside of work.

As we continue to grow, we continue to invest in attracting, developing, and retaining top talent. Explore careers in oilfield chemical & pumping industry. Join us to become part of an established company committed to playing an integral role in energy independence and a quality of life for all.

Exceptional service

“I’ve worked at other companies that say they treat employees ’like family.’ OneCor treats employees as family. From the first day I started, I wished I’d come here years ago.”

 OneCor employee – OneCor Hazmat Driver

CDL Hazmat Driver

Midland/Odessa, TX

Maintain and safely operate semi tractor used to deliver chemicals to customer field locations. Provide chemical offloads into storage tanks and trailer drops at customer sites. Proper pre-trip inspections, daily truck operations, and operating valves and processes to offload chemicals from various trailers.

Lead Mechanic

Williston, ND

Provide maintenance and planning for light duty, heavy duty, and pressure pumps in a shop setting as well as field situations to keep our equipment efficiently running and avoiding mechanically related downtime.

Treater Truck Driver

Midland/Odessa, TX

Maintenance and safe operations of vehicles used to deliver chemicals to customer field locations. Provide chemical treatments to oil wells according to customer specifications and company processes.

leveraging hydrochloric acid blending expertise

careers in Hydrochloric Acid Blending: Key to Well Stimulation

One of the most critical services we offer is hydrochloric acid blending, which is essential for well stimulation and acidizing in oilfield operations. Hydrochloric acid plays a crucial role in enhancing well productivity by dissolving blockages, improving flow rates, and preparing formations for further extraction. Our custom hydrochloric acid blends are designed to meet the specific needs of your well, ensuring efficiency, safety, and superior results.

24/7 Service Across TexasNew MexicoNorth Dakota, and Montana.


Customer Retention


Employee Retention

Gallons Per Month

Years Serving Energy Industry

Want to learn more

OneCor maintains local distribuion terminals, more than 30 company-owned acid trailers, and the most qualified team of certified safe drivers in each of our serving areas.